BSc Computer Science with Security & Forensics
Cardiff, Reino Unido
3 Years
Período integral
Solicitar prazo de inscrição
Sep 2025
GBP 28.200 / per year *
No campus
* for overseas | for home year two and three: £9,250 / year one: £9,000
Bolsas de estudo e financiamento
Loans and Grants
Financial support information for students.
We wish to ensure that financial circumstances are not a barrier to your undergraduate study opportunities.
We wish to recruit the very best students and to help us achieve this, we offer a number of scholarships.
Part-time Undergraduate Funding
Information about funding for part-time students.
Financial Support for Asylum Seekers
Information for asylum seekers about the financial support we offer undergraduates and options for funding from outside the University.
Este curso de três anos começa com a introdução de habilidades e conceitos básicos de computação que sustentarão o curso. Projetos curtos no primeiro ano são seguidos por um projeto de equipe substancial no segundo ano, quando você usa novas habilidades e conhecimentos para projetar e implementar um sistema de software. No terceiro ano, você se concentrará em tecnologias emergentes e opções baseadas em pesquisas, e realizará um projeto individual demonstrando sua compreensão da segurança de computadores.
The modules shown are an example of the typical curriculum and will be reviewed prior to the 2024/2025 academic year. The final modules will be published by September 2024.
Year One
Modules taught in the first two semesters will introduce fundamental computing skills and concepts that form the basis of your degree. This includes the programming of algorithms using languages such as Python and Java™, an understanding of Internet and web technologies, computer architecture and operating systems, software engineering principles and mathematics for computer science. You will be expected to develop new technical and professional skills and to demonstrate individual creativity and originality throughout the year.
Core Modules for Year One
- Computational Thinking
- Web Applications
- Problem Solving with Python
- Architecture and Operating Systems
- Maths for Computer Science
- Object Oriented Java Programming
- Principles, Tools and Techniques for Secure Software Engineering
Year Two
Os módulos principais ministrados no segundo ano apresentam tópicos avançados; alguma escolha é introduzida no curso por meio de módulos opcionais. A estrutura e o processamento de dados são mais explorados e algoritmos simples são expandidos para aplicações que são capazes de se comunicar através de redes. As habilidades desenvolvidas até agora são aplicadas durante um projeto de equipe para projetar e implementar profissionalmente um sistema de software com um elemento de segurança da informação. Ao mesmo tempo, a sua futura carreira, empregabilidade ou empreendedorismo e competências profissionais serão melhoradas à medida que começar a olhar para a vida após a Universidade.
Core Modules for Year Two
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Database Systems
- Enhancing your Employability
- Secure Communication Networks
- Internet of Things
- Group Project
- Object Orientation, Algorithms and Data Structures
Optional Modules for Year Two
- Computational Mathematics
- Data Processing and Visualisation
- Informatics
- Introduction to the Theory of Computation
- Scientific Computing
Year Three
No terceiro ano, você se concentrará em tecnologias emergentes e tópicos avançados que são frequentemente informados pelas pesquisas da Escola. Existem vários módulos opcionais para escolher, dependendo de seus interesses específicos. Você praticará aspectos profissionais da análise forense de computadores e obterá conhecimento em primeira mão em palestras ministradas por especialistas em segurança de computadores e ciência forense de computadores. Sua compreensão da segurança de computadores será demonstrada na conclusão de um projeto individual.
Core Modules for Year Three
- Large-Scale Databases
- Security
- Forensics
- Emerging Technologies
- Projeto Individual de Um Semestre
Optional Modules for Year Three
- Knowledge Management
- Combinatorial Optimisation
- Artificial Intelligence
- Design Thinking and Prototyping for User Experience
- Political Economies of Computing
- Introduction to Computational Robotics
- Managing Change
How Will I Be Assessed?
Progress in each module will be assessed during or at the end of the semester in which it is taught. All modules include assessments, including written examinations or assessed coursework, or a combination of both. The format of the assessments depends on the learning outcomes of each specific module.
Most modules include coursework elements for assessment. The importance of good referencing, the use of libraries and web-based information retrieval as a prelude to critical, independent study is developed. Assessed essays and reports are used to encourage knowledge and understanding, critical analysis, development of reasoned argument and synthesis of conclusions.
Practical assignments assess programming and design skills. These typically address small, well-defined problems at the start of the course, and become progressively open-ended. Tests are also used to assess knowledge, skills and techniques, which a professional may be expected to use in a time-constrained situation. You can also be assessed by poster presentation.
Resultado do programa
What Skills Will I Practise and Develop?
Knowledge & Understanding
On successful completion of the Programme you will be able to demonstrate:
- An understanding of the broad range of concepts, principles and theories underpinning Computer Science
- An ability to describe computing systems and solutions to problems
- An understanding of the representation of data in structured forms and its interplay with the implementation of algorithms
- Uma compreensão especializada de Segurança e Forense em um contexto teórico e aplicado
- Uma compreensão dos conceitos de risco e segurança em computação e técnicas de codificação segura
Intellectual Skills
On successful completion of the Programme you will be able to demonstrate:
- Capacidade de avaliar criticamente sistemas de computação e soluções para problemas, incluindo aqueles que surgem em Segurança e Forense
- An ability to objectively analyse computational problems and develop appropriate, creative solutions
- An ability to model complex scenarios to design computer systems that meet stated requirements
- An ability to select, derive and analyse appropriate algorithms to solve computing problems
- An ability to recognise and specify the constraints, requirements and trade-offs in the design of computer systems
- Capacidade de aplicar ferramentas e técnicas apropriadas para proteger o desenvolvimento de software
- Capacidade de identificar pontos fracos no software e na arquitetura de software
Professional Practical Skills
On successful completion of the Programme you will be able to demonstrate:
- Awareness of relevant professional, ethical, legal and social issues that arise in the implementation of existing and future computer systems
- An ability to pursue opportunities for career development and lifelong learning and appreciate the importance of commercial awareness
Transferable/Key Skills
On successful completion of the Programme you will be able to demonstrate:
- An ability to effectively communicate ideas, principles and theories by oral, written and electronic means
- An ability to work effectively in a team and as an individual
- An ability to make effective use of a range of IT systems
Taxa de matrícula do programa
Oportunidades de Carreira
Skilled computer scientists are in extremely high demand. This means the employment prospects for graduates in the computing and ICT industry are very strong. You will be equipped with transferrable skills that open doors to careers in many sectors.
Recent statistics show that the vast majority of our graduates are following their chosen career paths in roles such as Software Engineer, Web Developer, Computer Programmer, Associate Software Developer, Business Analyst and Systems Development Officer.
Muitos de nossos graduados trabalham para empresas como Airbus Group, Amazon, BBC, BT, Cardiff University , Capgemini,, GCHQ, IBM, Lloyds Banking Group, MoD, Morgan Stanley, Sky, South Wales Police e Thomson Reuters. . Outros optaram por estudar ou pesquisar mais em Cardiff ou em outras universidades importantes.