BSc Econ International Relations and Politics
Cardiff, Reino Unido
3 Years
Período integral
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Sep 2025
GBP 22.700 / per year *
No campus
* for overseas | for home year two and three: £9,250 / year one: £9,000
Bolsas de estudo e financiamento
Loans and Grants
Financial support information for students.
We wish to ensure that financial circumstances are not a barrier to your undergraduate study opportunities.
We wish to recruit the very best students and to help us achieve this, we offer a number of scholarships.
Part-time Undergraduate Funding
Information about funding for part-time students.
Financial Support for Asylum Seekers
Information for asylum seekers about the financial support we offer undergraduates and options for funding from outside the University.
Este é um curso de três anos em período integral, composto por 120 créditos por ano. O Ano 1 é um ano introdutório, com os resultados dos Anos 2 e 3 determinando a classificação do seu diploma. O programa compreende módulos obrigatórios e opcionais, permitindo que você adapte seu diploma para refletir seus interesses específicos. Uma característica particular é a opção de escrever uma dissertação no último ano. Isto é altamente considerado pelos empregadores porque indica que você pode realizar pesquisas originais.
Year One
You will study 120 credits in your first year, from the list of available Politics and International Relations modules.
Core Modules for Year One
- Introduction to Political Science
- Introduction to International Relations
- Introduction to Globalisation
- Introduction to European Integration
- Introduction to Government
Optional Modules for Year One
- Y Da, Drwg are Gwleidyddol: The Good, the Bad and the Political
- Introduction to Political Thought
Year Two
You will study 120 credits in optional year two modules.
Optional Modules for Year Two
- International Relations of the Cold War
- Digital Technologies and Global Politics
- Global Governance
- EU Politics
- From Espionage to Counter-Terrorism: Intelligence in Contemporary Politics
- Modern Welsh Politics
- Modern Political Thought: Machiavelli to Mill
- Damcaniaethu a Dadfeilio'r Gymdeithas Gyfalafol
- The Barbarians are Coming!: Cross-cultural Political Theories
- Ideas and Ideology in British Politics
- Animals, Air, and Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction - The Politics of Global Environmental Regimes
- Governing Modern Britain
- Personality, prejudice, and polarisation: Political Psychology
- Critical Approaches to Middle East Politics
- Data Science for Politics and International Relations
- Revolutionising the Political Order: British Social Theory in the Eighteenth Century
- Doing Political Research
- Elections in the UK
- Gender, Sex and Death in Global Politics
- Credoau'r Cymry
- British Politics since 1945
- International Security: Concepts and Issues
- Global Justice
- International Law in a Changing World
Year Three
You will study 120 credits in optional year 3 modules, including the option of writing a dissertation.
Optional Modules for Year Three
- The History of Thought in International Relations
- International Politics in the Nuclear Age
- Africa in International Thought and Practice: Colonialism, Anticolonialism, Postcolonialism
- Bombs, Bullets and Ballot-boxes: the Northern Ireland Conflict, 1969 to 1998
- Political Economy: Rationality in an Irrational World?
- Popular Culture and World Politics
- War and Society
- Justice, Legitimacy and International Law
- Latin American Politics
- Sex, Drugs and Public Policy
- Visual Global Politics
- Politics in Practice: Work Placement Module
- Be the Change: Governing without the State
- The Politics of Populism in Europe
- Governing Global Public Health: Viral Pandemics, and the Global Drugs 'Epidemic'
- Anglo-American relations and Cold War defence
- China in the World
- Strategy in Theory and Practice
- The Political Economy of Wales: From Coal to Covid-19
- Economy Wleidyddol Cymru: o 'Oes y glo' i 'Oes y clo'
- The End of the World as We Know It
- After the West: IR 2.0
- US Government and Politics
- Cyfiawnder Byd-eating
- Cenedlaetholdeb, Crefydd a Chyfiawnder: Hanes Athroniaeth yr 20fed Ganrif yng Nghymru
- Parliamentary Studies Module
- International Relations Dissertation
- Politics Dissertation
- Global International Organisation in World Politics
- Personality and Power
How Will I Be Assessed?
A range of assessment methods are used, including essays, examinations, presentations, portfolios and creative assignments.
Essays and examinations are used not only for assessment purposes but also as a means of developing your capacities to gather, organise, evaluate and deploy relevant information and ideas from a variety of sources in reasoned arguments.
The optional final-year dissertation provides you with the opportunity to investigate a specific topic of interest to you in-depth and to acquire detailed knowledge about a particular field of study, use your initiative in the collection and presentation of material present a clear, cogent argument and draw appropriate conclusions.
Resultado do programa
What Skills Will I Practise and Develop?
Este programa de graduação permitirá que você desenvolva uma série de habilidades valiosas. Os alunos que receberem um diploma de Política com Honra Única ou Conjunta serão capazes de:
- Reunir, organizar e implantar evidências, dados e informações de diversas fontes
- Desenvolver um argumento fundamentado, sintetizar informações relevantes e exercer julgamento crítico
- Refletir sobre a sua própria aprendizagem e fazer uso de feedback construtivo
- Gerenciar seu próprio aprendizado de forma autocrítica
- Comunicar ideias de forma eficaz e fluente, tanto oralmente como por escrito
- Utilizar tecnologias de comunicação e informação para a recuperação e apresentação de informações
- Trabalhar de forma independente, demonstrando iniciativa, auto-organização e gestão de tempo
- Colabore com outras pessoas e contribua para a realização de objetivos comuns
Taxa de matrícula do programa
Oportunidades de Carreira
Os diplomas em Política e Relações Internacionais fornecem uma base para uma ampla gama de carreiras, como em organizações não governamentais, desenvolvimento global, negócios internacionais, diplomacia e inteligência no governo, jornalismo e pesquisa política, bem como uma base para mais disciplinas especializadas ministradas em nível de pós-graduação.