Programa de Fundação Internacional em Engenharia (espanhol, inglês)
Leganés, Espanha
1 Years
Inglês, Espanhol
Período integral
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Sep 2025
EUR 8.500
No campus
Melhore as suas hipóteses de admissão aos cursos da UC3M. O Programa Internacional de Fundação em Engenharia tem como objetivo ajudar os estudantes internacionais a adaptarem-se ao sistema universitário espanhol e facilitar a integração através da aquisição das bases da cultura e da língua espanholas.
- Duração: 1 ano com 60 ECTS (Sistema Europeu de Transferência de Créditos).
- Possibilidade de acesso a estudos superiores
- Áreas: Ciências Sociais e Humanas | Engenharia.
- Línguas: Espanhol e inglês.
- Preço: 8.500 euros
Each semester is made up of 30 ECTS credits and you can combine the subjects of the study plan that you choose, as best suits your interests.
The subjects are divided into 2 blocks:
- Academic subjects: these are the introductory subjects related to degree studies and degree subjects.
- Experiential subjects: Courses, workshops, languages, and activities that are not related to Degree studies. From this block, you can take a maximum of 6 ECTS.
Between these 2 blocks of subjects, the following combinations can be made:
- 4 introductory academic subjects and 1 undergraduate subject. This combination is recommended to access Degree studies after the IFP
- 5 introductory academic subjects.
- 3 introductory academic subjects, 1 undergraduate subject, and 6 ECTS in experiential subjects (language, workshops, etc.)
- 4 introductory academic subjects and 6 ECTS in experiential subjects (language, workshops, etc.)
In addition to the chosen subjects, training complements will be added, which are mandatory subjects taken in the first semester. There are 2 types of training supplements: Mathematics reinforcement (only for Engineering students) and Oral and Written Expression (for all students). It is not necessary to register them.
*If you want to access Degree studies after the International Foundation Program, it is important to take the following into account:
- Each introductory subject is related to degrees in different areas of knowledge. In the Degree Access Requirements (paragraph below of Degree Access), you can check which subjects are related to each Degree.
- It is advisable to take and pass at least 6 ECTS in undergraduate subjects
- Experiential subjects and training complements are not taken into account for access to the Degree.
First Quarter
Academic Subjects
- Introdução à Álgebra (6 créditos)
- Introdução à Física (6 créditos)
- Introdução à Bioengenharia (6 créditos)
- Introdução ao Cálculo (6 créditos)
- Reforço de matemática (suplemento de treinamento)
- Expressão Oral e Escrita (Elogio ao treinamento)
- Degree Subject (6 credits)
Second Term
Academic Subjects
- Introdução às Novas TIC (6 créditos)
- Introdução à Química (6 créditos)
- Introdução à Programação (6 créditos)
- Introdução à Tecnologia (6 créditos)
- Introdução à Inteligência Artificial (6 créditos)
- Degree Subject (6 credits)
- QS World University Rankings Top 50 Under 50
- 35.º place worldwide and 10.º in Europe in the QS Top 50 Under 50 ranking
- QS World University Rankings
- 319.ª Position in the QS World University Rankings 2024
- QS World University Rankings Subjects Rankings
- Among the best universities in the world in 13 academic fields, according to the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023
- QS Graduate Employability Rankings
- Among the 136 best universities in the world in employability, according to THE Global University Employability Ranking 2022.